#cleanbluelagoon 2016.1


This gallery contains 2 photos.

This Durban weekend, there will be two beach clean-ups open for volunteers to spend a few hours on the beach helping make pretty again. The beach in focus is the Blue Lagoon, meeting at the Mangrove Swamps at the Umgeni River Mouth. … Continue reading

CommuniTree SESSIONS: Callout for Skills and Stuff


This gallery contains 1 photo.

The CommuniTree SESSIONS takes place  this week, And we need some support from the Durban community to complete our tasks. We will be making some art pieces for the REALForestsRally as well as supporting visiting internationals in preparing for the Rally. We are … Continue reading

Rainbow Warrior Time

The GreenPeace ship Rainbow Warrior (|||) has been surfing the edges of our South African landmass for some days now, and docks in Durban this week. Arriving as news of the spy cables involving South Africa and especially the monitoring of Greenpeace’s Kumi Naidoo, listed as a ‘dangerous person‘.

The Rainbow Warrior is the third iteration, funded through crowdsourcing in an innovative program that saw donors having their names included on the ship and a webcam broadcasting the build. DurbanKnights have three chances to board the vessel, meet the people travelling the world’s seas and check out things for themselves.

Remember that on entering a port, its necessary to have identification with you, since the port is technically international space. 

There’s a cocktail event on Friday evening:

Date: Friday the 27th of February 2015
Time: 17:30 for 18:00
Cost: R500 per ticket
Venue: Aboard the Rainbow Warrior at the N-Shed, Durban
RSVP: Celehte Wymers at cwymers@greenpeace.org by 24th February

The ship is also available for visit during the rest of the weekend at the slightly lower fee of free!

Venue: Durban Harbour N-Shed (click link for map)

Date: Saturday 28 Feb from 10am -l 3pm, and Sunday 1st of March from 11am -3pm.

Cost: Entrance is free

The Rainbow Warrior_Durban_A5

And finally, there is a more intimate gathering of the green surfers this Thursday:

“You invited to meet some of the great adventurers of the world who are trying to make a difference. Meet Somen Debnath from India who has cycled 115 000km across 96 countries over 10yrs creating awareness around HIV/Aids. He has amazing stories to tell & pictures to show.

Also meet the crew of 30 people from the Greenpeace ship ‘Rainbow Warrior’ who have crossed the earth fighting for a green & peaceful future. Please come and have supper/chat with them THURSDAY (26 Feb) at Pub 501 in Chatsworth.

Supper provided. Forward this message to other adventure loving activists. Organised by Revolution Motorcycle Club. Call Clive for directions 0839813506.”

So there we go. A triple play of GreenPeace Shiptime